How much is the doggy in the window? The one with the waggily tail … and so the song goes. Me and my pals - when we were in lower secondary, we’d be extremely happy/excited whenever the main events for assembly wraps up quickly and we get to sings songs such as the above (led by beloved Mrs Abraham). Amongst other songs that we used to sing will be a song about
spaghettis and meatballs, a song about a farmer in a dell (can’t remember exactly) but the tempo gets faster and faster as the song progresses – it was all great fun.
Now I recall, the song goes:
The farmer’s in the dell
The farmer’s in the dell
High ho O merry O the farmer’s in the dell
Yikes, that’s all that I can manage to jog from my memory (a good 14/15 years ago
;-P). Today’s entry is to capture this happy memory … before I forget even more as time goes by.