Wednesday 6 February 2008

My thoughts ....

This morning, a myriad of things went through my mind such as will 2008 be a year of fulfilment of wishes and plans of previous years? The one thing that tops my list, all I can do is to sit and wait because it is totally out of our hands. If and when this wish comes true, it will impact our lives and there are much promises of better things to come our way.

As I sit in front of my PC this morning, are there things I will do differently? I do believe, where I am right now follows a path and hopefully it's the path that's laid out for me by God. Many times my heart desires something that may not be good for me; I am given a chance to have a sneak peek but am always kept away. I have come to a realisation some time back that we should take life and live life to the fullest. We need to take the first step and make the first move for things that we want, even if opportunities presents itself right before your eyes, what good would it be if it just passes you by as you sit and wait?

There are people who will pass through your life and leave positive and wonderful impact and there are those who will cause you great dislike. I am still learning to 'not be affected' by the negative lot but can't help wondering why would they want to live this way? Why to slander and pretend? Don't they get tired keeping up appearances? Yup, this year is the year of the rat but I am hoping I've had enough encounters with rodents and will instinctively know one when it appears from miles away.