Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Count down to Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows

I have been counting down to the day when I can collect my Harry Potter book on 21st July 2007. The last two books - I have been pre-ordering from MPH and Borders respectively and will pick up the books at the earliest time possible i.e. when the doors to these bookstores open. My poor darling hubby had to send me there, accompany me while I wait for the stores to open and send me back to my parents' home where I can read in comfort - and I will sit and read the book from cover to cover (usually takes me 5 hours or so to finish HP books). Then I will read and re-read the book a couple of times. Thank goodness 21st July is a Saturday and I won't have to apply annual leave :-) . Let us guess what will happen shall we? There are a few questions lingering in my mind since the last book, they're listed below in no particular order: -
a) Is Dumbledore really dead? The greatest wizard of all that even Lord Voldermort fears?
b) Is Snape good or bad? Is he a spy for Dumbledore at Voldermort's or a spy for the Dark Lord at Hogwarts?
c) Will Hermione fall in love with Ron or will she be swept away by Viktor Krum?
d) Harry and Voldermort will both die in the grand fight as the finale?
e) Who will be the next headmaster at Hogwarts?
I will re-visit my blog on Harry Potter when the time draws nearer ... or when I next get bitten by the Potter bug. My love for Harry Potter books and movies is akin to those of my hubby's for his Stephen Chau/Chow movies - he knows the lines and scenes almost by heart.
I may write on my take on Chow's movie later on - one of my hubby's quirks. "Ni sie jui hau te - ni jie tau ma"or translated as “do you know that you are the greatest" (please pardon my hanyu pinyin - may not be using the right ones; luckily my mandarin teacher do not know of my blog *phew*)


cairo's mommy said...

hei, ur a hp fan too? i cant wait to get my hands on it la! havent order yet, waiting for some last minute better deal kekeke :p

Just Cheryl said...

Yup - better to wait. I jumped on MPH's offer the minute they had it. Sigh - should've waited for Border's coz they gave nice border mugs and free Starbucks coffee.

Cheryl Leong said...

I can't wait for HP as well but I didn't pre order :p I will normally wait till the price dropped or the soft cover is out.