I have much to write about but what would readers be interested in - not fictitious in origin (that's quite certain). I have the intention that this blog will be a place where my friends can find out the latest of my whereabouts and well-being in general; and when and if they have their own -to share as well - it'll be a form of communication albeit not direct in nature. I have recently done my MBTI profiling after a long interval - can't be certain whether it is still similar with the first in all 4 aspects, the only facet that I remember and still stand true to the recent one - I am definitely an introvert. Many times introversion is viewed with or comes with a negative connotation and it shouldn't. I love the way my colleague paraphrase it i.e. extroverts is flashy in ways of sharing all aspects of himself/herself & very quickly and in no time will be stark naked whilst the introverts will take time to reveal himself/herself to you (more mysterious too). You can click on this link to read more about the characteristics most frequently associated with the 16 MBTI types/profile. My closer friends will attest to this too :-) . I keep a smaller circle of friends with whom I am more transparent to and meaningful friendship is formed (they know I deeply care for them in my quiet and unobtrusive ways).
In this respect my hubby will be the one that I am most transparent to (but he still finds difficulties - being a man, not as attuned to ways in which ladies react in certain situations). We strive to have an open and honest communication at all times and I tend to be brutally honest with him at times too. To him - I am certainly not quiet and in almost any topics (except programming languages, latest electronic gadgets and music) - I am otherwise quite informed and am able to challenge him intellectually. I am comforted with the knowledge that I can keep up with hubby and follow his witty jokes and remarks - it is something that we both enjoy although sometimes when his teasing becomes too much - I may be upset & pout a little.
I feel that it is always beneficial to know more about one's own self - what are your psychological workings etc. . I have a great interest in all things related to this matter be it scientific & non-scientific (Chinese astrophysics) etc. Whenever, I learn of new tools for profiling from work - I will share them with hubby too and the reasoning given to him - if you know yourself better, you will know the pattern in which you react to certain external stimuli/situation thus can be in more control of situations when it occurs or keep one's self in check before re-acting in ways that may bear less than favourable consequences. Yup, I am also cross referencing with 7 Habits - you yourself will choose whether you want to be pro-active or re-active to environmental stimulus/situations. There will be things you can change and then there are things you cannot alter i.e. outside of your circle of influence. This is the reason I chose to name my blog Cheryl's Circle of Influence - it is within my control what I fancy to write. If you have not had the chance to come across 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, I would hereby like to encourage you to pick it up from the nearest bookstore, library etc.
In due time I will post more graphics and learn scrapbooking to create a more lively blog - pictures do tell a thousand words (my nephew will regret the moment that I managed to snap a photo of him in his Batman suit, although he loves it now coz he was 5 yrs old at that point of time, he may not be as keen in future for the photo to be shown). At the time being, the most convenient camera is my trusted Sony Ericsson handphone ... will invest in one handy and high resolution camera soon.
Cheryl, as far as I know you(although not as close fren but since u transefer to BBGS), you are an interesting person that fails to amaze people on what you can do & be. How can it be that you're introvert? Anyway, I must say that your blog are indeed very different from other blogs that I read & i m sure all ur frens & to-be-fren will be keen to read ur up coming post ;)
heehee- i hope you meant that I have not failed to amaze people
haha, yeah.. too fast to type, n too hungry till i eat the words liao :p anyway, i m not vy good with words :p
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