Thursday, 12 July 2007

The D.U.R.I.A.N

First of all, apologise for not writing any entries for the past 4 days - I have been down with fever, cough etc & do not have the energy /the sufficient mental energy to spare to blog. This morning I had to wake up at 5.30a.m. to go to work. Why? It's because hubby has a conference call at 7a.m. - imagine, you are still in the process of recovery and you do not have sufficient rest? The lack of sleep/rest got me feeling all feverish again
:( My sharing of learning points from the Medici training will have to wait till I am feeling stronger.

Let me do something light today or not (hee hee), anyone of you a big fan of the king of fruits, "the Durian"? I am - last night father-in-law bought lots of yummy meaty durians - the aromas filled and awaken all my senses (my keen sense of smell dulled by blocked nose etc for the past few days). Now picture this, every bite you take will fill your mouth cavity with soft, moist golden flesh of the fruit ... mmmm.... take a minute to savour the wonderful texture, let the fragrance of the durian linger and then swallow ... it will satisfy just about anyone.
(picture above left - this is how the durian fruit looks like, for those of you who may not be familiar ;-) )

Hee hee, you would have thought I was the one enjoying a tasty and fulfilling meal - feasting on durians but Nooooooooo ... I am still not feeling well so no durians for me
:( This is so frustrating ... can smell, can see, can reach out for it but cannot consume.

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