Friday, 27 July 2007

Under siege

Last Sunday's dinner at my parents-in-law's - I was under siege ... a baby, a toddler & a kid. *Sigh* I am getting hints all around - worsened when friends, relatives and colleagues who got married last year is already sharing their new born's photos this year. *Sigh* I shall be strong and not succumb to pressure until I am ready for a miniature of me & hubby.

On our way, over the radio a cantonese song sung by Kelly Chen was aired - something about children (on and off you'll hear a kid's voice) ... hubby was quick to add/clarify that it's not his doing ;P


cairo's mommy said...

hahaha, dun worry, regardless of how draggy u feel about it now, u will be thrilled once your stomach gets bigger by the day :D

jazzmint said...

hehe...agree with woan jiun...the days with kids are far more exciting than just couple :P

faster go get kekeke

Just Cheryl said...

WJ & Jazz = brave mommies ... Cheryl = still putting off ;)

Btw, WJ - miss u and miss seeing cutie Cairo's pictures