Sunday 29 July 2007

Newly acquired IBM Desktop PC

Hubby came home from work yesterday, very excited becoz he placed the highest bid for an IBM Desktop computer and it's downstairs in the car & I just need to help him carry it up to our home (his company is shifting to a new venue, so certain items sold to staff via bidding). Since last night he has been tinkering on and off, *LOL*, and he again was awed by his wife, getting "geekier" by the day. Hubby set up the computer in our study room, what's missing is an additional air conditioning - with that in place, it'll be perfect ... I can't wait to get my hands on computer games again - used to love playing RPG type of games namely Diablo etc years ago prior to marriage. It's a good form/method of reducing stress - just strike down all those bad guys *yeah*.

Other than RPG type of games, I love arcade games such as puzzle bubble, pinball etc and I am very good with tetris. On the other hand, I am hopeless with games that requires me to jump around and collect stuff i.e. Sonic , Tomb Raider ...

1 comment:

Cheryl Leong said...

Wah... u also share the loves of RPG game as me.. my fav also Diable and FF series also very nice *LOL*